Font Support

Good Gallery supports over 175 different fonts. These fonts can be applied separately to menus, headings, and body text.

Currently Available

Here’s a list of fonts currently available:

Abel, Abril Fatface, Actor, Alef, Alegreya, Alegreya Sans, Alice, Allura, Amaranth, Amatic SC, Anonymous Pro, Archivo Black, Archivo Narrow, Arial, Arimo, Arvo, Average, Average Sans, AW Conqueror Didot-Light, AW Conqueror Sans-Light, Baskerville Old Face, Bentham, Bevan, Bitter, Bodoni MT, BonvenoCF Light, Book Antiqua, Butler Black, Butler Black Stencil, Butler Bold, Butler Bold Stencil, Butler Extra Bold, Butler Extra Bold Stencil, Butler Light, Butler Light Stencil, Butler Medium, Butler Medium Stencil, Butler Regular, Butler Regular Stencil, Butler Ultra Light, Butler Ultra Light Stencil, Cabin, Calibri, Calisto MT, Calluna Sans, Cambria, Cantarell, Cardo, Castle T Light Regular, Century Gothic, Chivo, Clicker Script, Consolas, Copperplate Gothic Light, Courier New, Crete Round, Crimson Text, Cutive, Cutive Mono, Dancing Script, Domine, Dosis, Droid Sans, EB Garamond, Esteban, Existence Light, Exo, Exo 2, Fjalla One, Fjord One, Forum, Franklin Gothic Medium, Futura (Light), Futura Extended, Futura Extra Bold, Futura Extra Bold Italic, Futura Koyu, Futura Koyu Italic, Futura Oblique, Garamond, Gentium Basic, Geo Sans Light, Georgia, Gill Sans MT, Goudy Old Style, Grand Hotel, Gravitas One, Homemade Apple, IM Fell DW Pica, Impact, Inconsolata, Istok Web, Italiana, Josefin Sans, Josefin Slab, Julius Sans One, Jura, Karla, Kreon, Lato, Ledger, Libre Baskerville, Lobster, Lobster Two, Lora, Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Typewriter, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lustria, Maven Pro, Medula One, Merriweather, Merriweather Sans, Monsieur La Doulaise, Montez, Montserrat, Montserrat Alternates, Muli, Nobile, Nunito, Old Standard TT, Open Sans, Open Sans Condensed, Open Sans Light, Oswald, Oswald Bold, Oswald Light, Oxygen, Palatino Linotype, Permanent Marker, Perpetua, Philosopher, Playfair Display, Playfair Display SC, Poly, Pontano Sans, PT Mono, PT Sans, PT Serif, Questrial, Raleway, Raleway Thin, Roboto, Roboto Slab, Rockwell Extra Bold, Rockwell, Rufina, Satisfy, Segoe UI, Shadows Into Light, Shadows Into Light Two, Signika, Sintony, Six Caps, Skia, Sorts Mill Goudy, Source Sans Pro, Stalemate, Stephanie Marie JF Regular, Stint Ultra Expanded, Syncopate, Tahoma, TeX Gyre Adventor, Theano Didot, Times New Roman, Titillium Web, Trajan Pro, Trebuchet MS, Ubuntu, Varela Round, Verdana, Vollkorn, Y2K Neophyte, Yanone Kafeesatz, yeahfree by Alterdeco, Zona Pro Bold, and Zona Pro Thin.