Social Networks

In Good Gallery, social networks refer to external websites and applications that visitors use to communicate by posting comments, information, messages, and photos.

Menu Options

With just a few mouse clicks, you can add social media icons to menus. Choose from 500px, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube, or add a link to any other social network.

The highly recognizable and customizable social icons are embraced by visitors who want to take a quick peek into your social networks.

Control Bar Tools

The control bar is presented to visitors viewing individual gallery photos. The control bar includes several social sharing buttons.

These social media tools help visitors share your content on social networks like Facebook and Google+. In addition to these social media options, a share via email tool is also included.

Rich Pins

When you use the control bar Pinterest tool to share content, Good Gallery automatically shares the photo title and entire description. This makes it easy for you to create keyword-rich content on your website and then move it to Pinterest without effort.

Twitter Cards

We’ve added twitter card support to allow for rich content for shared pages and photos. These advanced marketing features help drive traffic to your website.

Open Graph

We support this Facebook protocol which means that we’ll include rich content for shared pages from your website.